Love thy helmet

Helmet is one of the most commonly used and useful protective gear discovered for us, Bikers.
As sensible riders, I urge each of you to wear a helmet, even if you are taking the bike to the shop in next street.

Helmet is designed to protect our head from a crash. And one crash is what takes the helmet to expire its usefulness. Fist and foremost thing to take care about a helmet is, if you had a nasty fall and helmet saved you, it is time to replace the helmet. Don’t gamble with your life - you have got only one head - protect it.

One common practice almost all of us do is to hang the helmet on the rearview mirror. This in turn leads to the compression of the thermocol like stuff (it is made of polystyrene and it is what absorbs the impact) and the ability to absorb the impact lessens as it gets compressed.

Keeping the helmet in helmet lock and riding is another practice people resort to. Other than the obvious danger (helmet is made to protect your head, not to be locked in a helmet lock), the shocks can weaken the shell of your helmet and if you do it long, the jaw part can even break. Helmet locks are to keep the helmet safe when the bike is parked, not while riding. These are very flimsy, and if some one really want to whack the helmet, it is not at all difficult. I personally don’t like / use helmet locks.

Keeping the helmet on the tank / seats is another sure shot way to shorten the life span of a helmet. Keeping it as such is not a problem, but invariably, at some time or other, the helmet falls down and each impact on the helmet shell will lessen the life span of the helmet.

Be careful when you carry your helmet around - don’t bang it or drop it. Banging the helmet or dropping it is same as subjecting the helmet to an impact.

Another common thing I have observed is riding without strapping on the helmet. A helmet is not something you use just to adorn your head - it should protect you when you fall down. If it is not strapped down, the helmet will fly even before your head hits the ground. A loosely strapped helmet or a unstrapped helmet is as god as you not wearing a helmet.

A helmet has a life span - and in case of international brands, it is around 5 years. But for Indian brands, it is as short as 2 years - after that, the compounds stiffen and it won’t offer you much protection. Don’t try to save money in the helmet department - buy the best helmet you can afford, and keep replacing it in 2 ~5 years (depending on the helmet you buy). I use GP-One/AGV helmets and I replace them within 2 years of time. (Btw, if any of you know where I can get a KBC for a decent price, please drop a comment)

Putting lots of stickers are also is not a safe practice - I am taking about the aftermarket stickers we put - not the decals the helmet comes with. The stickers can have an adverse effect on the outer shell.

Clean your helmet and visor once in a week - a clean visor helps in long way to improve your visibility.


dharmabum said...

i have lost two helmets - both in crashes, on one instance, the helmet broke instead of my head. i have never looked back and always worn helmets while riding.

i prefer an open faced one - the old fashioned ones, and i usually remove the visor, and use spectacles to protest my eyes from dust.